Sunday 31 May 2015

Figures of Speech Based on Contrast Examples

Figures of Speech Based on Contrast Examples - Figures of Speech based on contrast can be divided into seven. They are Antithesis, Epigram, Paradox, Oxymoron, Irony, Euphemism, and Litotes.

Antithesis is a figure in which a striking opposition of contrast of words or feelings is made in the same sentence.

Examples of Antithesis:
-Man proposes, God disposes.
-Men must work and women must weep.

Epigram is a brief pointed saying often in poetical from, frequently introducing antithetical ideas which excite surprise and arrrest attention.

Examples of Epigram:
-Familiraty breeds contempt.
-A gift is never little.

Paradox is a figure of speech in which a truth is conveyed under the form of an apparent absurdity of contradiction.

Exampes of Paradox:
-The child is father of the man.
-More haste, less speed.

Oxymoron is a figure by which two contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. (An adjective is added to a word of quite a contrary meaning)

Examples of Oxymoron:
-She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon’s knife.
-He is an honorable villain.

Irony is the use of words, the natural meaning of which is just the opposite of what is intended to be expressed.

Examples of Irony:
-What a fine friend to forsake others in trouble.
-i fear I wrong the honourable men whose actions have put me into trouble.

Euphemism is a figure by means of which we speak in pleasing or favourable terms of an unpleasant or bad thing.

Examples of Euphemism:
-He has gone to an unreturned land.
-He was a gentleman of the roads.

Litotes is the use of a negative to express a strong affirmative of the opposite kind.

Examples of Litotes:
-He was not all unhappy.
-She is not the ugly duckling of her family.

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