Sunday 31 May 2015

Figures of Speech Based on Contrast Examples

Figures of Speech Based on Contrast Examples - Figures of Speech based on contrast can be divided into seven. They are Antithesis, Epigram, Paradox, Oxymoron, Irony, Euphemism, and Litotes.

Antithesis is a figure in which a striking opposition of contrast of words or feelings is made in the same sentence.

Examples of Antithesis:
-Man proposes, God disposes.
-Men must work and women must weep.

Epigram is a brief pointed saying often in poetical from, frequently introducing antithetical ideas which excite surprise and arrrest attention.

Examples of Epigram:
-Familiraty breeds contempt.
-A gift is never little.

Paradox is a figure of speech in which a truth is conveyed under the form of an apparent absurdity of contradiction.

Exampes of Paradox:
-The child is father of the man.
-More haste, less speed.

Oxymoron is a figure by which two contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. (An adjective is added to a word of quite a contrary meaning)

Examples of Oxymoron:
-She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon’s knife.
-He is an honorable villain.

Irony is the use of words, the natural meaning of which is just the opposite of what is intended to be expressed.

Examples of Irony:
-What a fine friend to forsake others in trouble.
-i fear I wrong the honourable men whose actions have put me into trouble.

Euphemism is a figure by means of which we speak in pleasing or favourable terms of an unpleasant or bad thing.

Examples of Euphemism:
-He has gone to an unreturned land.
-He was a gentleman of the roads.

Litotes is the use of a negative to express a strong affirmative of the opposite kind.

Examples of Litotes:
-He was not all unhappy.
-She is not the ugly duckling of her family.

Figures of Speech Based on Construction or Arrangement of Words

Figures of Speech Based on Construction or Arrangement of WordsFigures of Speech Based on Construction or Arrangement of Words is divided into seven. They are Interrogation, Exclamation, Climax, Anti-Climax, Hyperbole, Transferred Epithet, and Tautology.

Interrogation is a statement thrown into the form of a question for rhetorical effect.

Examples of Interrogation:
-Can flattery soothe the duil cold ear of Death?
-Can two walk together except they be agreed.

Exclamation is a figure in which the exclamatory form is used to draw greater attention to a point than a mere bald statement of it could do.

Examples of Exclamation:
-What a piece of work is man!
-How are the mighty fallen!

Climax is afigure in which the scenes rises by successive steps to what is more and more important and impressive.

Examples of Climax:
-I came, I saw, I conquered.
-She growls,she hisses, she stings.

Anti-Climax is a figure that significances a descent from the higher to the lower.

Examples of Anti-Climax:
-The soldiers fought for glory and a shilling a day.
-For thy sake, my love, I would do anything but die.

Hyperbole is a greatly eaggerated statement (used mainly for effect but not intended to be taken literally).

Eamples of Hyperbole:
-He would draw the stage with tears.
-I was bored to death by his ceaseless chatter.

Transferred Epithet
Transferred Epithet is a figure in which an epithet belongs to some other words closely connected with it.

Examples of Transferred Epithet:
-He passed a sleepless night.
-he tossed from side to side on his restless pillow.

Tautology is the use of unnecessary words to express the same idea.

Examples of Tautology:
-The one sole survivor of the wreck was an American.
-he dwelt in a onely isolation.